And you’d think that Goan priests took a dictatorial stance only with us in Daman!
An article (see scanned image) published by “Sathyadeepam” in their May 16-31st issue, cites instances where some priests refuse to administer sacraments to people who dare to challenge them or are poor and so have no voice, besides instances of parish funds being administered arbitrarily... sounds all too familiar, doesn't it?
According to the article, about 200 Catholics met in Margao on April 18th to form the “All Goa Parishioners’ Association” (AGPA) which will address parish priests’ “dictatorial attitude,” besides fighting corruption and lack of religious freedom in the Church.
It’s time ADPA (All Daman Parishioners Association) came into being!
=I would be one of first to sign up. The vast majority of the priests have my deepest respect but a few rotten apples discarded from Pilar have landed in Daman.
Its time we got rid of these mercenaries and got the true missionaries back.
Dr Frank Gama.
lets do it in daman as well starting with Manuel, Andrew then brian. Is it true that as on 04/01/08 the church(brian) has no restrictions on dress code? or is it for the rich only. you may have been the witness as it happened in praca. cool dressssssss.
earlier to this my sis was denied communion as her skirt was a bit short poor people are uncooool
Such an association won't necessarily work in Daman for the simple reason best explained by a popular phrase (translated from P'guese) - they like to 'throw a stone and hide the hand!'
And we have a few 'parish busy bodies' who have appointed themselves as leaders of the community. You see them everywhere where catholics congregate - church, weddings, funerals (not so popular with them), Birthday parties, parish meetings (a favourite place).
But pull off the community 'rug' from under their feet and they're anonymous in Daman itself - nowhere men/women in nowhere land:)
how can we deal with it noel!
shall we do what the goans did?
The best way would be to join the organization in Goa - Goans have clout; Damanenses don't! Secondly, joining an organization based in Goa is like being the member of a political party based in Delhi - ie., at the seat of power;)
But, the clergy in Daman have indeed shown a big improvement since last December and that must be appreciated.
Secondly, times are bad in India vis a vis Christianity - we must, for now, keep our differences of opinion on hold, stick together and lend support.
Support yes I will also do that. that is when my fellow brothers are given support from the church. Many poor catholic families have nothing to eat no proper roof etc now who really needs support.......
Thank god many of daman people are now moving to UK and having a decent life.
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