Saudades! Folk Memories of Damão

The book every Damanense has always wished someone would write for them!
Saudades! Folk Memories of Damão! 
A memoir about the folksy past of Damão (Daman), a little-known,  former Portuguese enclave on the western shore of India
While Viva Damao! The Insider's Guide to the Indo-Portuguese Culture, Customs & Etiquette of Daman is a travel guide for non-Damanenses, Saudades! Folk Memories of Damão is a nostalgia-infused trip down memory lane - a keepsake for Damanenses and lovers of the Damão we love most.


Saudades! Folk Memories of Damão will be a co-authored memoir featuring only B&W pics of the last decade of the P'guese era in Damão (Daman).
Started as a Blog2Book project launched by the late Pedro Cabral Adão, former Consul General of Portugal on 10th June 2006 in Daman, the memoir format seems to suit it best.

For a detailed view of the clusters of blogs that make up the chapters of the book, visit